Time to relive the good old GameShark days all over again with the PlayStation Classic! This tutorial will show you how to easily find cheat codes for your games, copy them to your PlayStation Classic, and set them up within the RetroArch emulator. It is possible to use these on the PlayStation Classic’s stock emulator, however I recommend the RetroArch method due to RetroArch being the better emulator and more versatile frontend. If you would like to use the steps in this video to adapt this for the console’s stock emulator, that’s completely up to you!
#PlayStationClassic #PSClassic #ProjectEris
This video has been made with Fair Use in mind and has been created as an educational piece of media.
Hardware Used for This Tutorial! (Affiliate Links):
PlayStation Classic:
Amazon – http://geni.us/PSClassic
eBay – https://ebay.to/2FV7p1M
SanDisk Cruzer Fit CZ33 64GB:
Amazon – http://geni.us/ldPSM8
eBay – https://ebay.to/2SMGwPd
OTG Adapter Cable:
AliExpress – https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_uygqQf
Amazon – https://geni.us/QAZYZ
eBay – https://ebay.to/2YH7yxz
Other Hardware I Use for Making Videos & Modifications:
US – https://www.amazon.com/shop/mrmario2011
UK – https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/mrmario2011
Downloads & Links!
How to Mod Your PlayStation Classic with Project Eris:
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Discord: https://Discord.Me/MrMario2011
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Song Information
Artist: pyama
Song: snow fall
SoundCloud: literalbagoftrash
Link: https://soundcloud.com/literalbagoftrash
Any links specifically listed as affiliate links give me a small monetary kickback at no extra cost to you and no influence on the content.