We found a $30 fake Gameboy Advance SP that can play a bunch of your old school retro games, even up to Playstation 1.
WHERE TO BUY: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_vt1bkP

Our full review: https://retrododo.com/powkiddy-v90/

0:00 Introduction
00:49 Unboxing
01:24 First Impressions
01:43 Build Quality
02:40 Powering On
03:00 What Can It Play?
05:14 How It Feels?
05:58 Gameboy Advance Gameplay
07:43 Sega Mega Drive Gameplay
08:37 PS1 Emulation
09:34 Overall Opinion

👕 Merchandise 👕
Handheld Series: https://bit.ly/3eiuZ5g
Nostalgia Series: Coming Soon!

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#gameboy #retrohandhelds #whatthefake
