I teamed up with MashTec and More Tech Sir! to showcase our own personal “Top 5” retro games. The rules were simple: the game must be playable on a retro handheld device, 5th generation (PS1/N64) or older, and one minute showcase per game. Amazingly there was no overlap!

Check out their channels for more awesomeness:
MashTec: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8c9cH_XB7JMEGInq1-LWLg
More Tech Sir!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaoZD-g-oOoGy6lAlwsYYrA

00:00 introduction
01:18 MashTec’s top five
07:11 More Tech Sir’s top five
14:57 Retro Game Corps’ top five
22:04 conclusion

If you’d like to support my channel, please consider becoming a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/retrogamecorps

Intro theme song sampled from “Hexadecimal Genome” by Bit Shifter:

#RetroGaming #Collab #Top5
