Did you know that SEGA made an Arcade Machine based on the Sega Genesis / Sega Mega Drive! The system was called the Sega Mega-Tech, and it’s really awesome!
Additional Information on the Sega Mega-Tech:
Sega Mega-Tech is an arcade system developed by Sega Europe in 1989. It is based on Mega Drive/Genesis hardware, and more or less identical.[1] The Mega-Tech uses a unique pinout, allows 8 cartridges to be plugged in at once, and powers a second monitor for game selection and additional information.
In Megatech games your coins buy you time to play the game, how you perform in the game does not matter, you can die and start a new game providing you still have time, likewise you can be playing well and run out of time if you fail to insert more coins. This is the same method Nintendo used with their Playchoice 10 system.
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