A video I certainly didn’t want to make but here we are, recently algorithm changes at Google has made the search engine a pay to win ecosystem with independent sites like ours completely disappearing from the results, without change Retro Dodo will be no longer.

❤️ You can support Retro Dodo on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/retrododo

💻 Links To Stories Mentioned In The Video 💻
Google Is Killing Retro Dodo: https://retrododo.com/google-is-killing-retro-dodo/
HouseFresh Has Disappeared From Google: https://housefresh.com/how-google-decimated-housefresh/
Google Is Paying Reddit $60M To Train Their AI: https://www.thedailybeast.com/google-will-pay-reddit-dollar60m-a-year-to-use-its-content-for-ai-report?via=twitter_page
Google is paying Media Companies To Use AI: https://www.adweek.com/media/google-paying-publishers-unreleased-gen-ai/
How 16 Media Companies Are Dominating Google: https://detailed.com/google-control/
Google’s Advice For Content Creators To Make Money (guidelines we have followed for years, but are now a partial reason for penalising independent websites: https://creators.google/en-us/content-creation-guides/content-monetization-tools/different-ways-to-make-money/)
The Verge: Google Is Getting Worse for Independent Sites: https://www.theverge.com/2024/5/2/24147152/google-search-seo-publishing-housefresh-product-reviews

📚 Check out our FIRST book; ‘A Handheld History’ on Amazon 👉 https://geni.us/PhDTT

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