I’m very proud of the PocketGo S30 Add-On Pack that I created last month, but it was imperfect. Today I’d like to introduce something I’m calling “Simple30”, which is a compilation of many improvements made by the retro handheld community that turns this device into something truly neat. Plus: Nintendo 64 and RetroArch!

Full guide here, with download links: https://retrogamecorps.com/2021/02/13/introducing-simple30-an-optimized-pocketgo-s30-firmware/
Buy an S30 here: https://retromimi.com/collections/handhelds/products/pocketgo-s30?aff=195
Check out slaminger’s build too: https://techtoytinker.com/handheld-corner

00:00 introduction
00:27 features
01:56 RetroArch
02:18 safe shutdown
03:01 installation
07:10 gameplay testing and notes
15:33 conclusion

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Intro theme song sampled from “Hexadecimal Genome” by Bit Shifter:

#PocketGo #S30 #Simple30
