PowKiddy’s latest RK3326 handheld is an “upgraded” version of the RGB10 with an excellent new screen, better face buttons and d-pad, and shoulder buttons that make me want to vomit. At $80, does the good outweigh the bad?

Buy one here: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_uyQiEf

Metal RGB10: https://www.myretrogamecase.com/collections/customize-handheld-console/products/rgb10-custom-metal-retro-gaming-console-1
ArkOS firmware: https://github.com/christianhaitian/arkos/wiki
ArkOS Saturn update: https://youtu.be/pso8RsqRs6E
Retro Achievements video: https://youtu.be/sUMJP17EJoI

00:00 introduction
01:24 unboxing & impressions
02:31 buttons and d-pad
08:31 size & weight comparison
10:51 ergonomics
13:36 stock (EmuELEC) firmware
16:34 screen comparison
18:18 ArkOS firmware
19:22 gameplay testing
23:20 summary (likes & dislikes)
24:43 conclusion

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Theme song sampled from “Rosetta” by T-120:

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This video is for entertainment and educational purposes only.

#PowKiddy #RGB10S #RetroGaming
