We take a look at some of the best retro handhelds of 2020 so far, we even take you through some we hate!
WHERE TO BUY THE BEST HANDHELD: https://bit.ly/2UJfNWk + https://geni.us/RG350M


Buy Here: https://bit.ly/2UJfNWk
Amazon UK: https://geni.us/RG350M
Amazon US: https://geni.us/RG350M-US
Our Review: https://retrododo.com/rg350m/

Buy Here: https://bit.ly/3dDJjoP
Amazon UK: https://geni.us/RK2020-UK
Amazon US: https://geni.us/RK2020-US
Our Review: https://retrododo.com/rk2020/

Metal Bittboy Pocket Go
Buy Here:
Our Review: https://retrododo.com/metal-pocket-go/

ODROID Go Advance
Buy Here: https://www.hardkernel.com/shop/odroid-go-advance/
Our Review: https://retrododo.com/odroid-go-advance/

Buy Here: https://geni.us/AQ8w
Our Review: https://retrododo.com/evercade/

Clockwork Pi Gameshell
Buy Here: https://geni.us/7ud1
Our Review: https://retrododo.com/clockworkpi-gameshell/

Game Kiddy 350H
Buy Here: http://bit.ly/2sFdWYQ
Our Review: https://retrododo.com/game-kiddy-350h/

Supbor Q400
Buy Here: http://supbor.com/?aff=5
Our Review: https://retrododo.com/q400-handheld/

Buy Here: https://bit.ly/2NwKpqT
Our Review: https://retrododo.com/retro-game-300/

Bittboy Pocket Go V1
Buy Here: https://bit.ly/3g0Izuv
Our Review: https://retrododo.com/bittboy-pocket-go/

Funkey S
Buy Here: https://www.funkey-project.com/
Our Review: https://retrododo.com/funkey-s/

Burger King Gameboy
Buy Here: https://www.instagram.com/lphillimore/
Our Review: https://retrododo.com/gameboy-mini/

Retroid Pocket
Buy Here: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_ExoFDAn
Our Review: https://retrododo.com/retroid-pocket/

Retro CM3
Buy Here: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_v61LkR
Our Review: https://retrododo.com/retro-cm3/

Powkiddy Q90
Buy Here: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_vSzXTl
Our Review: https://retrododo.com/powkiddy-q90/

Buy Here: https://bit.ly/3eEPlWD
Our Review: https://youtu.be/F8bk6ew6uB0

0:00 Introduction
01:23 Not Recommended
02:19 Retro CM3
02:47 Retroid Pocket
03:44 Gameboy Color MINI
04:13 Funkey S
04:49 Bittboy Pocket Go V1
06:14 RG300
06:59 Supbor Q400
07:47 GKD350H
08:19 ClockworkPi Gameshell
09:45 Evercade
11:46 RK2020
15:01 Metal Bittboy Pocket Go V2
16:02 RG350M
20:45 Outro

👕 Merchandise 👕
Handheld Series: https://bit.ly/3eiuZ5g
Nostalgia Series: Coming Soon!

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/retro_dodo/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/retro_dodo

#retrogaming #handhelds #retrohandhelds
