Testing the New 7.55 PS4 Jailbreak

Testing the New 7.55 PS4 Jailbreak

Testing out the new PS4 Jailbreak for 7.50, 7.51 & 7.55 released by sleirsgoevy. This video also covers how to host the exploit locally on your PC. Current hosts: https://hakkuraifu.github.io/PS4xploit/#7.5x https://thewolfgames.github.io/755/...
PS4 7.55 Jailbreak (Progress Update)

PS4 7.55 Jailbreak (Progress Update)

No 7.55 Jailbreak as of yet. In this video I explain why things may be taking longer and what progress has been made thus far. DayZeroSec: Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/dayzerosec Sleirsgoevy’s exploit source:...