PS4 & PS5 Jailbreak Updates: BO6 Backport released, PS5 10.40 update, remote lua loader progress, DMC 5 dumped for PS5…
The new PS5 Jailbreak is almost here and in this video we break down the current progress and what the…
A new implementation of the 7.61 umtx exploit has been released by flat_z that chains this new kernel exploit with…
PS5 vulnerability has been confirmed to be patched as of 8.00 firmware. Meaning the latest vulnerable PS5 firmware is 7.61.…
Check out the Black Friday deals in World Warships: Legends and play for free on Xbox and PS: PS4…
Lots of new PS5 updates this week. TheFlow shares info that the BD-JB exploit works up to firmware 7.61. PS4…