3.00, 3.10, 3.20, 3.21 get fake package support, New etaHEN 1.3B and Itemzflow 1.04 offering new features and bug fixes.…
How to make your own playable PS5 game dumps and run them in itemzflow! More PS5 Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn7ji3VsPy3HE5e4doy4_suGAuN9FKGKg Install game…
Buy Me a Coffee: https://paypal.me/TwinCherry DONATIONS ARE NOT EXPECTED BUT ARE APPRECIATED In this video, we discuss the improvements in…
New kernel exploit revealed by TheFlow that could lead to Jailbreaks on higher firmwares for the PS4 & PS5. Cyb1k…
Install and run your PS5 game dumps with itemzflow and etaHEN 1.2B. More PS5 videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn7ji3VsPy3HE5e4doy4_suGAuN9FKGKg -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download Links: Itemzflow:…
What you need to know about running PS5 game backups discovered by LightningMods. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Links: LightningMods X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/LightningMods_ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music…
Lots of new PS5 updates this week. TheFlow shares info that the BD-JB exploit works up to firmware 7.61. PS4…
Sleirsgoevy released a work in progress script for porting the PS4 FPKG enabler to other firmwares, PS4 FPKG enabler working…
PS5 Jailbreak News: Loading game backups & homebrew apps with libhijacker, Nand dumper released & Web browser pkg shortcuts. 60…
Developer Flat_z successfully dumped the PS5's platform security processor with the ability to obtain decryption keys and bypass the Hypervisor.…