Many releases over the Xmas period: GoldHEN 2.3, GoldHEN Cheats Manager, PS5 Custom Themes, Itemzflow, CFW toolkit. GoldHEN 2.3 Tutorial:…
In this video I cover the new GoldHEN 2.3 Plugins feature and how to install and use GoldHEN plugins. GoldHEN…
New PS4 SMB Client & FTP Client applications. More PS4 Tutorials: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download Links: FTP Client: SMB Client:…
Checking out the latest homebrew app by developer LightningMods. This app contains many handy features for your Jailbroken PS4. Lightning…
PS4 & PS5 Updates. GoldHEN 2.2.5b8 released, Revert PS4 firmware without making a backup, PS5 magic USB V2, PS5 FTP…
A complete guide to backing up and reverting a PS4 from a higher firmware to a lower one. 6.72 to…
How to apply 60 FPS and other PS4 patches without creating a modded game patch, thanks to a plugin by…
Huge PS5 and PS4 news update. PS5 File Dumps that reveal more debug options on the PS5, Linux performance issues…
Euro Ali has released a Redis Payload for the PS5, SiSTRo has released a new beta build of GoldHEN that…
How to run PS4 games and apps that are not officially supported on the PS5. PS4 Whitelist: More PS5…