I Tested Some Fancy New Travel Accessories

I Tested Some Fancy New Travel Accessories

After a quick weekend trip to Vegas, I decided to detail the new accessories I brought with me, and how I used them for both work and play. Items featured: UGREEN Nexode 300W charger: https://amzn.to/467RNPN UGREEN direct store: https://bit.ly/3P32BI3 UGREEN Amazon...
My Favorite Handheld PCs Right Now

My Favorite Handheld PCs Right Now

RGC charity auction: https://www.ebay.com/str/retrogamecorpscharitystore I went through my entire handheld PC collection and decided to auction half of them to charity, to benefit Maui. In this video we’ll go over the devices I decided to keep, and why they are...
Anbernic RG405V In-Depth Review

Anbernic RG405V In-Depth Review

The Anbernic RG405V is a new vertical handheld designed for comfort, and features a 4″ display and decent performance up to GameCube and PS2. In this video we’ll go dive into what it’s like to own this device, what it can do, and whether it’s a...