More Obscure 3D Platformers – Game Sack

More Obscure 3D Platformers – Game Sack

Episode 267 – 3D platforming used to be big back in the days of the N64 and PlayStation 2, etc. We’ve shown you some good ones before but here are some more you might want to give a try. Or maybe avoid altogether. At least now you’ll know that these...
Shenmue 3 – The Review – Game Sack

Shenmue 3 – The Review – Game Sack

Episode 264 – VERY MINOR SPOILERS! Shenmue 3 is finally here! For the longest time we never thought that this game would ever get made in a million years. Well here we are. So, how is it? ►Consider supporting Game Sack on Patreon! –...