by The GamePad Gamer | Feb 15, 2021 | Videos
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is now out and after playing through the Bowser’s Fury section I was surprised by what I saw. This could change everything we know about 3D Mario games going forward with a really interesting open world concept being...
by The GamePad Gamer | Feb 9, 2021 | Videos
Over the weekend a story spread online around a pamphlet showing information about Zelda Breath of the Wild 2 with one problem. Halo Master Chief Collection continues to get updates with the latest one mentioning the game being playable in a new place leading to...
by The GamePad Gamer | Jan 25, 2021 | Videos
The search for good Ninendo Switch Joy-Con alternatives has been going on since the system released and the smaller controllers from Nintendo caused issues with cramping. Today I wanted to look at a new set of Joy-Con controllers that look to solve this issue without...
by The GamePad Gamer | Jan 21, 2021 | Videos
The PS5 custom faceplates have been starting to appear online more and more now with another company resurfacing online to sell custom shells saying that Sony can’t do anything about it and they are untouchable. Zelda Ocarina of Time Beta files have been found...
by The GamePad Gamer | Jan 12, 2021 | Videos
The custom PS5 run of systems based around the upcoming anniversary hav strangely been cancelled after reportedly receiving threats from unhappy customers, but the whole situation is a bit weird. At long last Scott Pilgrim VS The World The Game is receiving a physical...