by The GamePad Gamer | Apr 8, 2020 | Videos
Sega Dreamcast mods! Is it still a Dreamcast with so much changed out? I say so! Today we install a DreamPSU to keep our console cool and efficient! Buy DreamPSU Kit: Power Supply I used: My Recommended Amazon Products:...
by The GamePad Gamer | Mar 6, 2020 | Videos
Video footage of gameplay using the Kaico HDMI Adapter. I have a DCHDMI installed in my Dreamcast and wouldn’t have it any other way. But there is a market for these lower cost devices, and in my opinion this one does a really good job. Kaico GameCube HDMI...
by The GamePad Gamer | Aug 4, 2019 | Videos
Episode 254 – Retro gaming is still alive and new products are being made to enhance your retro experience in one way or another all the time. So let’s check out some of these products! Here are links to the products I reviewed in this episode. These are...